Cyber Security
The cyber security podcast from SE LABS ®
- Understand cyber security and other security issues. Practical and insightful, our experts have experience in attacking and defending in the physical and digital worlds. Peek behind the curtain with Cyber Security DE:CODED.
29 episodes
Full attack chain testing | S2E9
A presentation special from the AVAR conference in Singapore, December 2022!What is the attack chain?Why is it good to test using full attack chains?And what are some of the alternative approaches, with their pros ...
Season 2
Episode 9

Cheating in security testing | S2E8
We explore how testers behave, or misbehave. And the different ways, some more honest than others, that security vendors engage with testing. Can you trust security tests?What do their results actually mean?Ho...
Season 2
Episode 8

Security opportunities for Managed Services Providers | S2E7
Small business and Managed Service Provider special!Do small businesses face the same cyber threats as large organisations?Are your security solutions 100% effective? And how do you pick a good one?Where are the op...
Season 2
Episode 7

Interview: Ollie Church (The Eleos Partnership) | S2E19 Bonus Episode
Growing awareness of mental health in the workplaceChallenges that businesses can face with staff mental healthWhat individuals can do if they're worried about their own mental health
Season 2
Episode 19

Mental health challenges | S2E6
Mental health is an important but often misunderstood area, full of prejudice and technical jargon. How can we look after ourselves better at work and in our personal lives?Post-pandemic, we take stock on the mental impacts of worki...
Season 2
Episode 6

Ransomware | S2E5
Ransomware is feared by businesses all over the world. What happens during and after an attack? We give a unique insight into the experiences of ransomware victims.How do organisations react to a ransomware attack?We examin...
Season 2
Episode 5

Cloud security | S2E4
The 'cloud' is integrating with our lives at ever more useful (or intrusive!) levels. We look at what securing the cloud means in the real world.Securing the cloud and testing cloud securityCryptocurrency security tips...
Season 2
Episode 4

Testing like hackers | S2E3
What does it mean to test like a hacker? Can a well-intentioned tester behave the same as a real cybercriminal?When you’re looking for a good security test, how can you tell the useful from the misleading?Our email accounts sit at...
Season 2
Episode 3

Firewall speeds and VPN risks | S2E2
Is your firewall as fast as you think?What does XDR mean and how does it work?Do you need a personal VPN?We talk to Brian Monkman (NetSecOPEN), Chad Skipper (VMware), Luis Corrons (Avast) and Daniel Cuthbert.Security Life...
Season 2
Episode 2

Can Microsoft solve security? | S2E1
Can Microsoft solve security? Do you need anti-virus on your smartphone? And are Macs more secure than PCs? We ask Eugene Kaspersky (Kaspersky) and Christian Seifert (Microsoft)Security Life Hack from Mikko...
Season 2
Episode 1

9 Hollywood Hacker Movies Rated | S1E8
Simon and Marc discuss and dissect 9 Hollywood hacker movies from the last 30+ years, including:SnowdenBlack...
Season 1
Episode 8

What Does a Breach Look Like? | S1E7
In this episode we’re going to look at what a computer breach, or hack, actually looks like. From both the attacker and defender’s points of view.We welcome special guest St. John Harold, ...
Season 1
Episode 7

Understanding and Managing Risk | S1E6
In this episode Simon and Marc focus on the basics of understanding and managing risk. They discuss insurance, how to assess the risk of anything (from dropping a cup of tea on an expensive server to animal attacks!) and touch on ransomware.
Season 1
Episode 6

Selling Security - The Insider's Guide | S1E5
Companies spend trillions on cyber security each year. But how do they decide which products and services are the best?We dig down into the sometimes shady world of cyber security sales, market analysis and product testing. How do the r...
Season 1
Episode 5